Monday, May 14, 2007

The Countries of Africa in the 20th Century *~ .::Botswana::. ~*

Economic Resources and Challenges

At independence most people in Botswana relied on agriculture, hunting, and gathering wild foods. Diamonds were soon found after independence in 1970 at Orapa. The diamonds have been a main export ever since. Since then, diamonds have also been discovered in Jwaneng. Nickel and Copper have also been mined since 1974. Other exports include coal, salt, and soda ash. Agriculture only accounts for less than one tenth of the countries exports. Mainly, there is mostly beef exported if enough water, pasture room, and control of hoof-and-mouth disease are available. Because of drought, the number of head of cattle has fluctuated anywhere from one million to two million. Fishing and logging are only in the highest north of Botswana.
Surface water is very limited. It is mostly only found in the wetlands and in perennial rivers. Droughts are common. There are plans to build canals, as well as tapping underground water in huge quantities.

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