Monday, May 14, 2007

The Countries of Africa in the 20th Century *~ .::Botswana::. ~*

Summary of Botswana during the 20th Century

Between 1880 and 1960, Botswana (Called Bechuanaland) Was under British Protectorate. (A relationship between a strong nation and a weak nation or area not recognized as a nation. Once the strong nation has established a protectorate over a weak nation, it can control its affairs.) This protectorate was created because the British believed that the Boers would collaborate with the Germans and not allow the British access to the road leading north.
Botswana was supposed to be handed over to British South Africa Company so it was a very poor country until its independence. The reason for handing the country over was because the British had no interest in governing the country. Three Botswana chiefs went to Britain to see Chamberlain and begged him not to transfer the protectorate because they did not trust the British South Africa Company. Fearing that handing over the country would cost him the election, Chamberlain agreed to not give Botswana to BSAC. The British South Africa Company attacked in what is called the Jameson Raid. Britain was so angered that they promised to never hand Botswana over to the BSAC. Britain now realized that Botswana could not be handed over to British South Africa Company. Botswana’s economy would have to be built so it could survive on its own. After its independence Britain covered the full cost of development until 1971 when the country discovered diamonds.

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