Monday, May 14, 2007

The Countries of Africa in the 20th Century *~ .::Botswana::. ~*

Experience of Independence

Since South Africa would no longer be getting Bechuanaland, it was time the country become self-sufficient. Political movements were being organized starting in 1952, and negotiations to start copper mining led to an agreement in 1959. A council was eventually set up after national elections. The Bechuanaland People’s Party was founded in 1960. The British really started to push political change in 1964 and a new capital was built at Baborone. Then finally in 1965 Bechuanaland became self-governing. Seretse Khama became the Republic of Botswana’s first president. For the first five years of Botswana’s independence, it was completely financially reliant on Britain. Economic development did not really take off until about 1967-71 when diamonds were found in Orapa.

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