Monday, May 14, 2007

The Countries of Africa in the 20th Century *~ .::Botswana::. ~*

Colonial Experience

The British declared Botswana Bechuanaland Protectorate in 1885. During this time people of Botswana were very poor. Attempts to open mines failed, the Chiefs believed that the mines would only increase British control. Botswana was divided into eight tribal reserves, five white settler farm blocks, and the rest was ‘Crown’ lands. Later on as independence movements started all over Africa, the people of Botswana looked forward to independence and began to develop political parties.
During this time Britain exiled one of Botswana’s chiefs. The reason for this was because the South African government was not approving of the fact the chief had married a white woman. This was during the time that racial segregation was being enforced in South Africa under Apartheid.

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