Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Unit II : Individuals - Mary Pickford

Mary Pickford was named one the the greatest female stars of all time. She was an Oscar-winning star and She was Canadian. Mary Pickford was said to be a pioneer of film in Hollywood, and has a tremendous amount of influence in the development of film acting. Mary Pickford's fame was triggered through her acting in moving images. She became famous in a matter of months. In 1909 alone Mary appeared in more than 51 films, which works out to almost one a week. "Her charisma, range, and comic blend of sweetness and temper made her not only the most important player, but the most popular star of the era."

Because of Mary Pickford, Hollywood rethought it visions of features. They changed their focus on making material that was suited for film, and finding good actors to fill the roles.

Mary was known as America's Sweetheart, Little Mary, and The Girl with The Golden Curls.

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